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Simon Wirtz

Freelance Backend Engineer, Kotlin/Java Expert
  • Suggested rate
    €850 / day
  • Experience8-15 years
  • Response rate100%
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Simon's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
San Francisco, CA, USA
Remote only
Primarily works remotely

Freelancer code of conduct signed

Read the Malt code of conduct
Verified email
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Skill set
Simon in a few words
I am a freelance Software Engineer focused on backend development of scalable and distributed systems. I’m an expert for Kotlin and Java, containerization and product development.

I currently focus on Kubernetes, Serverless and I am excited about cloud-native software in general.
I've been working in Software for 10+ years and gathered experiences in different industries including travel, legal tech, online advertising, health and process automation. I'm also appearing in mentoring roles on various platforms and enjoy spreading my knowledge through different channels. I'm, among other things, an occasional international speaker, blogger, and contributor on StackOverflow. 👨🏼‍💻
  • Simon Wirtz
    Independent Software Engineer and Consultant - Kotlin and Java Expert
    April 2018 - Today (6 years and 10 months)
    Cologne, NW, Germany
    I provide services around backend software development, content development, hiring scale, and general consulting. I have been working in the space for 10+ years and love learning new technologies. I'm an expert in Kotlin and Java, containerization, and product development.
  • Karat
    Senior Interview Engineer, Mentor, Content Creator
    April 2018 - Today (6 years and 10 months)
    Seattle, WA, USA
    Karat has conducted tens of thousands of technical interviews on behalf of enterprises and high-growth companies. Engineering and talent leaders who are searching for technical interview services or technical interview outsourcing partner with Karat to increase their technical interview capacity, while improving consistency, and new hire quality. After having conducted many interviews myself, I'm now mostly involved in helping to grow the community of Interview Engineers by mentoring new folks to get started on the platform. I also help test and develop new question sets that are used in Karat's various interview formats. I developed the company's first Knowledge Question set for the Kotlin programming language.
    Senior Software Engineer
    August 2019 - August 2022 (3 years)
    Berlin, Germany
    BRYTER is an enterprise no-code platform to automate decision-making knowledge. I worked with BRYTER as a Software Engineer to make their cloud-based SaaS product a success. Mainly, I was involved in enabling customers to integrate and connect their existing systems and tools with BRYTER by developing and publishing an integrations platform, thereby accelerating product adoption in general. I was involved in hiring efforts and took on leadership activities to help the company scale.
  • Bachelor's degree, Scientific Programming
    Aachen University of Applied Sciences - FH Aachen
    Bachelor's degree, Scientific Programming