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Alexandre Pereira

Data analysis in health, demogaphics and geography
  • Suggested rate
    €500 / day
  • Experience0-2 years
  • Response time1 hour
The project will begin once you accept Alexandre's quote.
Location and workplace preferences
Hamburg, Germany
Can work onsite in your office in
  • and around Hamburg (up to 50km)

Freelancer code of conduct signed

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Alexandre in a few words
Ich bin Datenanalyst mit Erfahrung in Big Data aus den Bereichen Gesundheit, geografische Informationen und Demografie aus meiner Promotion und meiner Karriere in der Stadtplanung. Ich habe intensiv mit großen und komplexen Datensätzen und statistischen Modellen gearbeitet. Ich bin pragmatisch und ergebnisorientiert. Ich freue mich darauf, marktorientierte Informationen für Ihr Unternehmen zu entwickeln.

I am a data analyst with experience in big data from health, geographic information, and demographics from my PhD and urban planning career. I have worked intensely with large and complex datasets and statistical models. I am pragmatic and driven by results. I look forward to developing market-oriented intelligence for your business.
  • University of Hamburg
    Associate Researcher
    March 2023 - Today (1 year and 11 months)
    Hamburg, Germany
    Research project development, grant writing, and education in the field of Global Health and Climate Change research.
    Python Pandas Geopandas GIS
  • University of Hamburg
    Ph.D. Researcher
    October 2019 - February 2023 (3 years and 4 months)
    Hamburg, Germany
    What if all systems collapsed at once? What if multiple aspects of our lives became more and more restricted, with fewer options and more challenges as time goes by? My research looks at the informal urban settlements on the Global South during the COVID-19 and climate change crises to understand and ultimately prevent these scenarios. In the COVIDGI Project (https://www.covidgi.uni we look at the Corona pandemic's deep impacts across society. More broadly, my research at Uni Hamburg looks at the systemic quality of these crises and how they build upon pre-existing inequalities like social and environmental injustices. We implement research based on complexity, multiple stressors, and vulnerability using statistical and geographic information techniques coupled with qualitative methods in a mixed-method framework. I am also an avid practitioner of direct participation methods and deeply interested in Open Science, Non-Violent Communication, and on promoting democracy and human rights.
  • 3C Arquitetura e Urbanismo
    Architect and Urban Planner
    September 2009 - July 2019 (9 years and 10 months)
    Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
    Technical professional for 3C Arquitetura e Urbanismo Ltda. EPP. Acts in the development and team coordination of urban plans and designs such as masterplans, setorial plans, strategic planos, urban and landscape design, geoinformation acquisition and modelling, geodatabase management and as Geodesign.and public participation expert accross projects and teams.
    GIS Microsoft Excel
  • Doctor of Philosophy - PhD, Geography
    Universität Hamburg
  • Master in Contemporary Urbanism
    Universidade Federal de Pelotas
    Master in Contemporary Urbanism
  • Architect and Urban Planner
    Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul